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Rifle Range

Range Cards

 Due to continuing increases on Liability Insurance and general upkeep costs on the Range Facility, it has become necessary to charge an annual fee for those members who wish to use the Shooting Range.
 Beginning in 2009 dues period, all Members who wish to use the Range, will be required to purchase a Range Card at a cost of $25.00 per year! (This includes life members as well!)
 In order to purchase a range card, your Club Membership dues must be paid up to date. There will be  a separate application form for the Range Card, and the Range Card will be a separate card in itself. The Range Card along with your Membership Card must be displayed at all times while using the Range!
 Also beginning with 2009 dues period, all new Members will be charged an initiation fee of $20.00 for the 1st year for the purchase of a Range Card. After the 1st year, they will pay $25.00 per year.
 These fees have become necessary in order for the Range to remain open. As most Sportsmen know, many Shooting Ranges in the area have been closed, and that is mainly due to the ever increasing costs of liability.
Thanks for your understanding!!



  1. Range may only be used by members with a current range card.
  2. The North Penn Gun Club, Inc. is not responsible for any accidents which may occur on the range, and herby advises that all person using the range that they do so at their own risk. The Range Book must be signed when available.
  3. Range may only be used between 8 a.m. and sunset. Sundays 9 a.m.
  4. All breeches or chambers must be open while someone is past the firing line.
  5. All minors must be accompanied by a parent member.
  6. All shooting must be alike at the same time.
  7. No intoxicating drinks are allowed on the range while shooting is being done.
  8. No intoxicated persons are allowed on the range while shooting is being done.
  9. Traps and ranges may not be used at the same time.
  10. Only designated paper targets may be used at any time.
  11. There will be a thirty-minute time limit when there is someone waiting to use the range.
  12. Shooter must remove targets when finished shooting.
  13. No automatic weapons allowed on the range.
  14. Minimum shotgun range is 25 yards.
  15. Do not leave guns or ammunition unattended.
  16. Always point muzzles down range.
  17. Open all actions when guns are not in use, and when entering and leaving the range.
  18. No bottles, cans, steel plate, telephone books, etc. may be used on the range. Paper and related targets only.
  19. All Gun Safety Rules apply.
  20. If the range is being used at a distance you wish to shoot, ask to join your fellow shooters. This will avoid a backlog of shooters.
  21. After you sign in, let your fellow shooters know that you are waiting to use the range.
  22. Help keep your range clean. Please use containers provided.
  23. Check with other shooters before you attempt to check your targets.
  24. Any infractions of rules will lead to immediate suspension of range privileges and possible suspension of club membership.


By Officers and Directors of North Penn Gun Club, Inc.

Note: Please help keep our range clean, pick up any litter you may see and dispose in their proper containers.

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